Official Fortress Arena TANK NFT Mint Guide
Time remaining until the Presale Whitelist Round 1 starts
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We have prepared a Fortress Arena TANK NFT Minting Guide for you.
Follow the steps below.
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Pre-sale ( Whitelist )
- Round 1 : (UTC) 1 pm ~ 2:40 pm
- Round 2 : (UTC) 3 pm ~ 4:40 pm
If all quantities are not sold within 100 minutes, Round 2 will start.
All participants who have been registered on the whitelist can mint up to 4 TANK NFTs in Round 2.
( Round 1 participants can mint up to 4 TANK NFTs per address, including minted TANK NFTs from Round 1. )
Public sale
- Open : (UTC) 5 pm , Thursday, January 6th, 2022
- Close : (UTC) 12:59 pm , Wednesday, January 12th, 2022
When all quantities are sold, the public sale ends even before the closing time
Mint Allowance
- Pre-Sale : Up to 2 TANK NFTs per allowed address( Whitelist ).
If Round 2 is in progress, up to 4 TANK NFTs are possible. - Public sale : Up to 20 TANK NFTs per transaction.
- Step 1 : Connect Wallet
- Step 2 : Connect wallet and select preferred wallet address
- Step 3 : Select your preferred number of TANK NFT
- Step 4 : Confirm Transaction
- Step 5 : Wait for purchase to process before making another transaction
- Step 6 : Success! You can now mint more
- Step 7 : The issued TANK NFT can also be checked on OpenSea.
Click Mint Now!
Important : If the gas is high - If minting is not possible or if
it is an address where minting is not possible (in case of
pre-sale), the gas will be higher than normal.
Nevertheless, if
minting is performed, the transaction will fail and the gas will
be lost.